County Treasurer
Jody Cunningham
101 North WashingtonSuite 104
El Dorado, Arkansas 71730-5661 Phone: (870) 864-1928
Fax: (870) 881-4000
Office Hours
M-F (8:00 am - 4:30 pm)Closed Federal/State Holidays
with the exception of Columbus Day
- Mikayla Young - Chief Deputy
- Kaylea Scott - Deputy

Duties of the County Treasurer
The County Treasurer is responsible for the custody and disbursement of all county funds. She receives funds from other county elected officials monthly, including ad valorem (property) taxes, fines, and fees. Additional revenue coming into the Treasurer’s office include state turn back, sales taxes, 911 surcharge fees, state and federal grant funds, severance tax, and funds from various other sources. These funds are then disbursed to various taxing entities in the county, including county funds, schools, cities, and rural fire districts. Other fines and fees have to be forwarded to various state organizations monthly as provided by law.
All monies that the Treasurer receives have a designated purpose. No funds can be co-mingled or used for any purpose other than that provided by Arkansas State law. The Treasurer is charged with keeping an accurate and detailed account of all receipts and disbursements of the County. She is required to make a monthly financial report to the Quorum Court on the fiscal condition of the County. The Treasurer works close with the County Judge projecting or estimating revenue for each county fund for the next year's budget. Their projections are used to determine how much the county can budget for the upcoming year.